How to Cope with Missing the Holidays…

So I’m depressed about missing Christmas, not so much spending it at home as much as spending it with people who want to spend it celebrating and truly enjoying the company of friends present. But no one here with whom I’m ‘close’ is interested in Christmas. So I’ve been shedding tears here and there as I try to finish assignments for tomorrow.

(Cried twice about missing Independence day this year and last.) But Christmas is bigger, and this is my first year missing it. Last year, I spent it with a few missionaries, and friends who were interested in the cultural exchange. But I don’t feel as though I have that sort of connection with anyone here. I’m friendly with people, but I don’t dish out the confirmed status of friend to any Joe so…

Without Christmas (25 December) New Year’s is irrelevant. Celebrating it on another day is….like celebrating a birthday on the wrong date. (I only celebrate on the day, never a minute before or after). Anyway the point is, having googled how to get over missing a holiday, I found this post. Firstly, I’m pleased that I’m not the only one who gets sad about missing holidays. And secondly, the tips are helpful…I’m exactly on this journey…different country…language…..major….but the same course of life. I don’t feel 100% better but good enough to continue my tasks dry-eyed.

Every Student Has A Story


I am the epitome of Christmas-lover.

 I start listening to Christmas music by early October, I watch as many Christmas movies as possible, (unless I am at school), I partake in my family’s tree-decorating tradition (also, started by me) and invite my family/friends over to help decorate the beautiful evergreen the sits in my living room. I love to drink warm, holiday-spice tea while watching the snow fall to the ground. Christmas calls for more quality-family time, and my family, steps aside from their busy schedules, to cook, bake, watch Christmas movies, and wrap presents.

 Can you say Crazy Christmas Girl? I think so…

I do not think anyone could have imagined me being away from home and missing/skipping Christmas. Well, this year I kind-of-am…

I get home from Israel on January 8, 2015, which means I missed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Honestly, I can deal with…

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